Safeguarding in International Aid and DevelopmentFollowing the publicity surrounding Oxfam and other aid agencies in relation to sexual exploitation, it is clear that the impact of this on the sector as a whole will be far reaching. |
International aid and development agencies are under extreme pressure to get safeguarding right. They must regain the trust of the people they serve, and demonstrate to donors, trustees, staff and the public in general, that high standards of staff conduct and best practice in preventing and responding to cases of sexual misconduct are fully in place and operating effectively.
GCPS has extensive experience of working with agencies internationally to strengthen child safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse measures, as well as handling complaints and investigation of misconduct.
Our dedicated team of experts has unparalleled experience of working with international NGOs, donors and other agencies. We specialise in organisational change for better quality and accountability, through developing strong safety cultures and managing safeguarding/PSEA risks.
Safeguarding services we offer include:
– Risk assessment and other diagnostic services
– Audit, review and evaluation services to assess the effectiveness of existing safeguarding measures
– Investigation and case review services
– Development of policy, procedures, guidelines and toolkits
– Training on child safeguarding, PSEA, investigations, safe programming, and more
Should you need any assistance and recognise the benefits of engaging independent experts, we are very happy to speak with you about your requirements and what we can offer. Please use the contact form below: